Goodbye Winter, Hello Non-Winter

My home mountain officially closed last week, an event I greeted with heavy heart.  Although my own final day of skiing was back in early May, for the past few weeks I liked knowing that I could still take a few runs if I wanted.  I also enjoyed seeing posts of other skiers who tried to squeeze every last bit of fun from the steadily diminishing slopes. With the closure, however, I have to face the fact that the winter season is really, truly, finally over.  The Non-Winter season has begun.

It’s not that I don’t like the Spring/Summer/Fall months.  I just haven’t found another activity that sparks me up as much as skiing.  Trail running and hiking provide some of the same benefits; being alone in the solitude of the woods helps me clear my head and breath in creativity.  Kayaking is another great stress reliever; as my paddle silently slices through the water, beautiful vistas surrounding me, I am lulled into a magic state of calm.  The thing is, all of these benefits come with skiing… but skiing also provides an adrenaline rush that can’t be beat. 

I’m always curious to know how other skiers spend the off-season.  Golfing, boating, and mountain biking are sports that many of my ski friends participate in.  But while these sound intriguing, I’m not convinced.  So I continue to search for the perfect Non-Winter activity.

In the meantime, the countdown until next season has begun.

Check out the countdown clock for the start of the 2017/2018 season at the bottom of the home page.

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